Tips for cleaning oily skin

First, determine your true skin typeSecondly, cleansing from the inside out
Third: About buying products
Fourth: Start with the easiest
Fifth, moisturize moderately
Sixth: A dish of masks.
Seventh: Avoid unnecessary and harsh treatment on the skin
Eighth: Exfoliate the skin in moderation
Finally, use topical creamsThe field of dermatology will always be a crowded field, due to the simple fact that no two people have exactly the same skin type.Oily skin can strike anyone, regardless of age, race, gender, or geographic location.

There are a myriad of factors that cause or worsen oily skin, including moisture, a poor facial cleansing regimen, and even exposure to cigarette smoke.

Some people are genetically predisposed to oily skin, while many others experience a high production of sebum cells at certain stages in their lives, such as during the teenage years.

In addition, pregnant women, who are going through menopause or who take birth control pills, are especially prone to oily skin

What are the effects of having oily skin?

People who suffer from it may feel greasy a few hours after taking a shower.

Women with oily skin may find their makeup wears off more easily, requiring them to reapply it several times a day.

Oily skin is also a magnet for dirt and dust, which quickly accumulate and clog pores. Clogged pores lead to acne, blackheads, and other skin blemishes.

Do you think all hope is lost?!

HowStuffWorks put together a list of tips for cleaning oily skin, and debunked some well-known skincare myths along the way.

And there is some good news for those with oily skin; Oily skin tends to stand the test of time better than dry skin, resulting in a youthful appearance with fewer lines and wrinkles.

First: Determine your real skin type!

You can visit a doctor to assign your real skin type; If this is not physically possible, You can do the evaluation yourself

For starters, keep track of how many times a day you pinch your face. If you have oily skin, you will find traces of oily oils in the areas of the nose, forehead, forehead and also the chin.

If your skin is of a dry type, you will not find any traces of oil on your face; Rather, you will find the wipes are completely dry in return for the presence of a few white crusts, an indication of the dryness and peeling of the skin.

If it is of mixed skin types, the effects of fat are limited to the areas of the nose and forehead; As for the rest of the areas, such as the chin and cheeks, you will find it dry.

But if your skin is of a normal type, the wipes will remain completely clean; So that you will never find any traces of fat or crusts on it.

If the test completely convinced you that you have oily skin, here are some other clues to look for:

Large and visible pores
Shiny T-zone (the area that extends your forehead and nose)
Frequent blemishes, including blackheads, pimples, and pimples
Now that you have confirmed your skin type, you are now on your way to designing a skincare routine that will minimize the effects of excess oil.

Second: cleansing from the inside out!

One common skin care myth (perhaps spread by moms) is that certain foods, such as chocolate, french fries, and soda, cause oily skin and acne problems.

So far, no reliable study has been able to blame these foods as the culprits for oily skin.

But even if the experts don’t know what types of foods to blame, they know a lot about the type of diet that makes a positive impact on your skin.

There are two star foods you may want to add to your diet: lemon and kefu, both of which contribute to clearer skin.

Because the likely cause of oily skin is a lack of vitamins B5 and B2, try eating more nuts, beans, and whole grains that are full of these nutrients.

Identifying the causes of oily skin that affect you will help you overcome skin care problems.

Third, about purchasing products:

Now, you know your skin type and have identified some factors that may contribute to an oily complexion.

It’s time to find the cleansing products that fit your skin and budget.

Experts recommend buying a gentle cleanser and moisturizer for your skin.

Dermatologists also recommend using wax- and oil-free cleansing products that will not aggravate the problem of oily skin.

If your skin is both oily and sensitive, it is wise to opt for fragrance-free products.

It’s also a good idea to stay away from scrubbing with any harsh soaps, which likely contain ingredients that aren’t ideal for sensitive facial skin.

Fourth, start with the easiest!

For many, the instinct when washing is to lather up in hot water to get rid of everyday dirt and oil deposits.

But hot water actually dries out the skin, washing away the essential oil to keep the skin soft.

Although you don’t want to cleanse with scalded water, wait until the tap reaches a nice, comfortable temperature—cold water does not remove oil and dirt from the skin very well.

In fact, harsh washing can have a very negative effect, stripping the skin of necessary oils and causing burns and rashes.

Dermatologists also recommend cleaning the facial area a maximum of two or three times a day.

Excessive washing causes the skin to become significantly dry, which indicates that the oil glands are producing more oil to compensate.

Instead, gently massage a mild cleanser, such as a foaming gel containing salicylic acid, into the face for 30 seconds or so, then rinse with lukewarm water.

Fifth, moisten moderately.


You don’t have to worry too much about daily hydration.

If you have combination skin, with a concentration of oil in the T-zone, you’ll want to apply a moisturizer to keep the oil-to-dry balance in check.

Wax, sebum, and oil-free moisturizers are recommended for oily and combination skin types.

Many people may only need to apply moisturizer to dry patches only, rather than the entire face.

Moisturizers containing dimethicone or glycerin may work better than heavier lotions.

It’s also helpful to simplify your skin care regimen during the hot weather months when humidity and heat can cause increased oil production. Instead of using a moisturizer and sunscreen, choose a combination product that protects and moisturizes at the same time.

Sixthly, the masks:

Applying a clay mask mask reduces oil production and removes a lot of impurities.

It is recommended to use one mask per week to rid the skin of excess oil, excess dirt and dead skin cells that cause oil breakouts and excessive oil production.

Clay masks are gentler on the skin than products that contain chemicals because they have more natural properties.

In addition to cleansing the skin more deeply than washing it daily, clay masks also help reduce the appearance of large pores and are very common in people with oily skin.

Seventh, avoid unnecessary and harsh treatment on the skin:

While a day at the spa may do the trick as far as relaxation goes, it’s usually superficial when it comes to solving your skincare issues.

Many people flock to day spas to rid their skin of impurities with treatments like facials and skin abrasions.

Although the skin may be temporarily softer and spa goers may feel more relaxed afterward, the benefits of these treatments end there.

Many people believe in the skincare myth that these cleansing treatments penetrate deeply into the skin, when in reality, they only cleanse from the top layer of the skin.

Eighth, exfoliate the skin in moderation!

Although expensive facials may be completely unnecessary, people with oily skin can benefit from a weekly deep cleansing to get rid of dead skin cells that clog pores.

A simple and inexpensive at-home exfoliation ritual is essential to clear excess material and pave the way for healthy, more balanced skin.

Scrubs containing oatmeal have particularly soothing effects. Light scrubs and microbeaded cleansers should be used at most once a week.

People with acne may choose to skip this step altogether because exfoliation, even when done gently, often increases skin irritation.

Finally, use topical creams:

A range of topical creams designed to reduce oily skin are available for use once standard skin care measures have failed.

Retinoid creams, vitamin A creams, and sulfur creams are some of the over-the-counter options for people with excessively oily skin.

If these alternatives don’t do much to balance the skin, perhaps a trip to the dermatologist is the next logical step.

Specialist dermatologists are specially trained to identify problem areas and prescribe stronger skin care and cleansing procedures than those available in stores.

You must take care of your skin and take care of it from the beginning of the problem before it worsens and increases to the extent that it takes a great time to heal..

about the author

nutritionist Shaimaa Ali

is a-freelance journalist specializing in health and fitness as well as nutritionist certified from mansoura university on Egypt

for Medical information i recommended National Institutes of Health Most of My blog source by it

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