زيادة الوزن السريع نظام غذائي لزيادة الوزن

rapid weight gain; diet to gain weight

Beauty cannot and should not be measured by your appearance.

But eating disorders, genetics, and hormonal imbalances can prevent you from gaining weight.

This can be frustrating!

Being underweight can affect your physical and mental health.

That’s why we bring you the best diet and expert tips for weight gain.

Table of contents :

What is your healthy weight?

Reasons You Can Be Underweight

diet chart for weight gain

Tips to gain weight quickly

How many calories are consumed

How long does it take to gain weight?

What is your healthy weight?

BMI helps you determine your healthy weight range.

Divide your body weight (in kilograms) by your height (in metres) squared to calculate your BMI (3).

A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is indicative of a healthy weight range.

If your BMI is less than 18.5, you are underweight.

There may be various reasons why you are underweight.

Reasons You Can Be Underweight

1. Hyperthyroidism

2. Kidney disease

3. Diabetes

4. Eating disorders

5. Genetic factors

6. Enzyme deficiency

7. Tuberculosis

8. Depression


Weight gain diet

before breakfast

from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.,

He will drink a cup of tea or cappuccino with milk and sugar.

Breakfast from 8 am to 9 am

Two multigrain bread with low-fat butter and an omelette.

Or a bowl of cornflakes, oats or porridge.

Fruits or a glass of fresh fruit juice.

After breakfast from 10 am to 11 am

A glass of whole milk with a healthy drink of your choice or whey protein.

Lunch 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm.

A small bowl of rice.

cup of legumes

½ cup vegetable curry

3 ounces chicken or a piece of fish/egg/cottage cheese

Mixed salad of cucumber, carrot and tomato

A small bowl of sweet curd

Evening snack 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm.

Vegetable sandwich with cheese


Dinner 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm.

½ cup of brown rice and 1 cup of whole grain/mushroom curry

Mixed salad of cucumber, carrot and tomato

Before bed 10:30 pm – 11 pm

glass of milk

with fruits

Tips to gain weight quickly

1. Consume high-calorie foods

Foods that are high in calories as well as nutrition will help you gain weight.

Foods such as avocados, bananas and whole milk should be staples.

2. Increase the number of meals

eat a lot. Since you will be consuming foods that are high in calories and nutrients, you will not be

Able to use a lot of them at once.

Small amounts of food at frequent intervals will keep you energetic and energetic.

This is a good thing as you also have to get into the gym to build lean muscle mass

3. Consume healthy carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are needed to gain weight.

Include healthier options like bananas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, mangoes and cereals

Whole foods, rice, etc. instead of high-sugar foods, chocolate, and other junk foods.

4. Consume a source of protein with every meal

Your muscles are made of proteins.

To gain weight and build lean muscle mass, you must include a source of protein in every meal you consume.

Your choice of protein should be chicken breast, turkey and legumes

Beans, nuts, seeds, fish, eggs, milk and yogurt.

5. Add healthy fats to your diet

Do not continue to eat any fatty food.

Choose healthy fats that do not cause long-term harm.

Healthy fats are also good sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Include foods like nuts, seeds, avocado oil, salmon and olive oil in your diet.

Eating a handful of pumpkin or flaxseeds is a good way to provide your body with fat.

5. Take weight gain supplements

In some cases, diet and exercise alone may not produce the desired results.

Another way to do this is to include some additional supplements in your diet.

Whey protein is an increasingly popular supplement that you can add to milk or smoothies.

7. Strength training

Being overweight does not mean that you should increase your fat mass.

Gain lean muscle mass. You will look toned and defined. To get there, you have to lift some weights.

8. Keep a food journal

You need to keep a food journal if you want to gain weight.

Keeping track of what you’ve eaten throughout the day helps you better understand your eating habits.

Once you weigh yourself each weekend, note this value as well. This will help you

To stay motivated all the time and encourage you to continue on the path to gaining weight.

9. Eliminate stress

Losing or gaining weight has always been a stressful event for the person involved.

Stress often becomes a major obstacle when trying to gain or lose weight.

Therefore, it is important to be stress-free while performing exercises to lose or gain weight.

Take a relaxing bath to relieve stress. Or put on some good music and dance until you come down.

Meditation, yoga and breathing exercises also work well to reduce stress.

10. Get enough sleep

The next big step is making sure you get enough sleep.

Experts say sleep is essential to a person’s health and well-being.

Sleep, like nutrition and physical activity, is a primary determinant of your health and well-being.

A person needs at least eight hours of sleep every day to stay fit and healthy.

This will give your body enough rest so that it can function properly.

If you do strength training, your body repairs itself and builds better muscle while you sleep.

11. Keep yourself motivated

Being overweight is no joke.

It is much more difficult than losing weight.

However, if you want to reach your goal, you must stay focused. Don’t set unrealistic goals for yourself.

Make sure your weight gain goal is no more than four pounds per month.

Anything else can be unhealthy and temporary.

Always remember that your body is different and unique in its own way.

Once you achieve a healthy BMI, shift your focus from the way you look to how you feel.

When you exercise, you have to increase your calorie intake. with you ? Find out next.

How many calories are consumed

Your calories will be determined by your BMI.

According to experts, it is always advised to gradually increase weight, and an increase of 500 . can result in

kilocalories per day leads to an increase in body weight of 0.5 kg per week.

If you do all of this, how long will it take to gain weight? Scroll down to find out.

How long does it take to gain weight?

It will take at least three months to see visible results.

be patient.

Expecting results too early will only reduce motivation.

Take a look at the tips of the fitness experts. You will definitely benefit from what they say.

about the author

nutritionist Shaimaa Ali

is a-freelance journalist specializing in health and fitness as well as nutritionist certified from mansoura university on Egypt

for Medical information i recommended National Institutes of Health Most of My blog source by it

 Explore link https://www.nia.nih.gov

kindly check with a doctor in addition to using the app and before making medical decisions

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