wrong foods
Healthy eating is the biggest reason for big bellies. Lots of starchy carbs and bad fats are a recipe for a bigger belly. Get more veggies, lean proteins, and stay away from fats from red meat. Choose healthy fats in things like fish, nuts, and avocados.
Even a moderate cut in carbs (grains, pasta, sugars) can also help.
Subcutaneous, subcutaneous, subcutaneous, abdominal, abdominal fat. Visceral fat cardiovascular disease and diabetes more likely. It can lead to high blood pressure from it.
you smoke
We all know the dangers of smoking. Add this to the list: lead to increased belly fat and visceral fat. So for another reason to quit, you have this one.
you are exhausted
When the stress hormone starts in your body. Talk to how to deal with stress. It can help relieve it. Establish a good support system. Talk to mental health.
You are not exercising enough
Getting rid of belly fat will be easy. Walking for 150 minutes during the week, or vigorous (running) for 75, strength training at least twice a week. Before starting any exercise program.
You are doing the wrong exercise
These exercises are not enough. You also need weight training to build muscle. More muscle means more calories burned.
Do only one exercise, such as walking or running. It works best to burn fat. Make it a habit, and increase the intensity in part to get the results you’re looking for.
Avoid alcoholic beverages
Beer and carbohydrates in beer that earn beer. Every calorie is a calorie. If you exercise and eat well – you will gain more fat. If you do drink, remember to do so in moderation.
Sports and energy drinks
Sports drinks can contain a lot of sugar. That brings calories. If you drink a lot of these, you are preparing for the weight gain that ends around your seat belt. Drink sugary drinks. That means energy drinks and non-diet soda, too.
You are not drinking enough water
Studies show drinking more water can help you lose weight. A choice of sweetened beverages means fewer calories. It can reduce belly fat. It’s also the only beverage that can hydrate without added sugars or other compounds.
Yes, your family tree on your chances of obesity. It also has a say in where the fat is stored. there is hope. Balancing calories between the calories you contain (your diet) the amounts that can help prevent you from gaining weight, for example from your genes.
You don’t sleep well
Those raids on Haitham al-Hadra. Not only that, if you don’t sleep, you are the stress hormones that kick in. These encourage your body to conserve fat.
Learn good sleep habits, such as:
turn off the phone.
Turn off the laptop.
Go to bed at the same time every night.
Avoid alcohol before bed.
You are obsessed with balance
Here’s some good news: You may lose belly fat and not even realize it. If you have good value, and the most beautiful match in your sport, and sporting events, the most important match in the balance. You may have replaced some belly fat with muscle.
about the author
nutritionist Shaimaa Ali
is a-freelance journalist specializing in health and fitness as well as nutritionist certified from mansoura university on Egypt
for Medical information i recommended National Institutes of Health Most of My blog source by it
Explore link https://www.nia.nih.gov
kindly check with a doctor in addition to using the app and before making medical decisions
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