Dangers of not eating breakfast and harm to public health

You’ve all heard the old adage that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But how many of you follow this?
In an effort to cut net calories and achieve our dream goal of being skinny, a large percentage of us tend to skip breakfast.
There is no objection that this will yield results, only temporary results.
So, why is it bad? What are the effects of skipping breakfast?
Effects of skipping breakfast
This article talks about some of the effects of breakfast.
1. Bad for your heart

According to a study published in JAMA, men who skip breakfast have about 27% more chances of having a heart attack when compared to those who eat breakfast. Dr. Leah Cahill, who led the research, says the risk rate is not a concern. But it also supports the fact that indulging in a healthy breakfast may actually reduce the risk of heart attacks. [1]
It is also known that people who avoid breakfast have an increased sensitivity to high blood pressure, which leads to clogged arteries. This, on the other hand, puts them at an increased risk of developing chronic cardiovascular disease, including stroke.

2. High risk of type 2 diabetes
Harvard School of Public Health conducted a study aimed at finding a relationship between eating habits and health. Forty-six women participated in the research, which was conducted for about six years. The results of the study were amazing. According to the results, women who used to avoid breakfast were more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, compared to women who ate a daily breakfast.
Even worse, working women who skipped their morning meals had a 54% more chance of developing type 2 diabetes. [2]

3. Skipping breakfast may cause weight gain
If you are on a weight loss regime and have a habit of skipping breakfast, think about it now. According to studies conducted on the negative effects of not eating breakfast, people who eat their morning meal have greater chances of gaining weight, which is contrary to the goal of slimming.
Skipping breakfast increases the desire to eat sugary and fatty foods. Plus, since your hunger pangs will be so intense, you end up devouring everything you come across during the day. The higher your hunger levels, the more food you will eat. This sometimes exceeds the recommended daily calories. The constant practice of skipping breakfast will eventually lead to weight gain, not weight loss.

4. Negative effect on mood and energy levels
According to a study that appeared in the journal Physiological Behavior in 1999, avoiding breakfast can have negative effects on energy and mood.
The British research team conducted a study on 144 healthy people who fasted at night. The group was divided into three. One group was given a healthy, moderate breakfast, the second group only coffee, and the third group did not get breakfast. The groups were then monitored for a few hours. According to the study, the group that didn’t get breakfast displayed the poorest memory skills and the highest levels of fatigue. There was no significant difference between the other two groups.
The bottom line: Avoiding breakfast can lower your energy levels and negatively affect your memory.

5. Cancer risk
Skipping breakfast can make you overeat during the day. This in turn paves the way for the increased prevalence of obesity. According to her research, it was found that a person who is overweight or obese increases the risk of developing cancer

6. Affects cognitive performance
Including breakfast in your daily diet will give you better cognitive performance. A study was conducted on a group of adolescents between the ages of 12 and 15 in two trials. In one experiment, the group was allowed to eat breakfast, and in the second group the group was asked to refrain from eating the morning meal. The results were interesting. When the group ate the breakfast regimen, the group displayed better accuracy on the visual search test, while the lack of breakfast hampered the results.
The result: the inclusion of breakfast confers cognitive function While the study was conducted on adolescents, it could easily be extended to adults as well.

7. It can cause migraines
Hypoglycemia is the medical term used to refer to low blood sugar levels. Skipping meals causes a sharp drop in sugar levels, which in turn releases hormones that can compensate for the low glucose levels. This, on the other hand, increases blood pressure levels, causing migraines and headaches. The incidence is higher when you skip breakfast, because it is the first meal of the day that you consume after about 12 hours of fasting. So, if you want to keep those headaches away, make sure to eat breakfast.

8. Hair loss
One of the main side effects of skipping breakfast is hair loss. Yes, a meal that contains dangerously low levels of protein may affect keratin levels and avoid hair growth and cause hair loss. Breakfast is the perfect meal any day and has a major role in promoting hair follicle growth. So, if you want to enjoy strong and strong hair without hair loss, you should enjoy a protein-rich breakfast daily.

9. It can affect your metabolism
Will your car ever start if there is no fuel? No, right? Likewise, you need breakfast to give your metabolism a quick start. It is the first meal of the day that you feed your body after resting for about 12 hours. According to various studies conducted on the importance of breakfast, people who eat this meal have a higher level of resting metabolism.
Just remember this – skipping breakfast can exacerbate a hangover by lowering sugar levels [12], inviting headaches and nausea. So, just eat a healthy breakfast to beat your hangover.
These negative effects of skipping breakfast are good enough to convince anyone to start eating breakfast. Did you skip breakfast? Have you experienced any effects other than those listed above? Share your opinion in the comments..

about the author

nutritionist Shaimaa Ali

is a-freelance journalist specializing in health and fitness as well as nutritionist certified from mansoura university on Egypt

for Medical information i recommended National Institutes of Health Most of My blog source by it

 Explore link https://www.nia.nih.gov

kindly check with a doctor in addition to using the app and before making medical decisions

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