Abdominal exercises, here are the 30 best exercises for abdominal muscles

He suffers from a lot of belly fat and rumen, especially women, perhaps because of what we have become of lack of movement and nutrition full of fat, in addition to pregnancy and childbirth for womenTherefore, it is necessary to do exercises to tighten the abdomen because it helps to reduce the fat that covers the abdominal muscles, as the exercises burn calories at an accelerated rate than the normal rate. Here is a set of abdominal exercises that help you to appear flat and beautiful.

أب عجلة التمهيد

Push the wheel forward and then pull it toward your chest again. Continue this exercise for 3 sets

الأسلحة situp جزئية عالية

Lie on your back, bend your knees at 90 degrees, and raise your arms straight, keeping them awake throughout the exercise. Sit in the middle of the road, then return firmly to the ground.

أفضل تمارين أساسها للحصول على ستة حزم - تطبيق BarbellHold the bar while lying on the ground, push the bar forward and pull it back again. Continue this exercise 3 sets

أفضل التدريبات أساسها للحصول على ستة حزمة - تطور الحديد الروسي

Hold the bar while standing and push it on either side of your waist

Lie on the ball with your feet shoulder-width apart and your lower back supported by the ball. Put your hands behind your ears. Roll your body off the ball until you are seated.

أفضل تمارين أساسها للحصول على مجموعة من ستة - تراجع / الساق رفع التحرير والسرد

Hang yourself on the parallel bars with your knees slightly bent and raise your legs in front of you until they are parallel to the floor. .

أفضل تمارين أب للحصول على ستة حزمة - القرفصاء الجبهة

At approx shoulder height. Hold the bar with shoulder-width hands and raise your elbows until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Take the bar out of the rack and let it rest on your fingertips – as long as your elbows stay up, you’ll be able to balance the bar. Step back and set your feet shoulder width apart with the toes in place. Squat as low as you can

أفضل التدريبات من أجل الحصول على ستة حزمة - woodchop horizontal cable

.at shoulder level and hold the handle with both hands. Stand shoulder width apart, perpendicular, arms extended enough away from the machine and pull the cable keeping your feet steady

أفضل تمارين أب للحصول على ستة حزمة - رفع الساق

Lie on the floor and grab the stool or legs of a heavy chair for support. Keep your legs straight and lift them up until they are perpendicular. Pull down, but stop slightly off the ground.

أفضل التدريبات أساسها للحصول على ستة حزمة - تطور الكرة الطب الروسي

Sit on the floor in the upper position, using a ball with both hands, extending your arms in front of you. Individually twist your body to one side and then twist again. Alternate sides.

أفضل تمارين أب للحصول على ستة حزمة - متسلق الجبال الطب في الطب

Hold the ball with both hands and get into a pushup position on the floor. Bring one knee up to your chest, then quickly move it while raising the opposite knee

أفضل تمارين أب للحصول على حزمة ستة - بايك لسوبرمان

Getting into a pushup position with your toes on the stability ball Bend your hips and roll the ball toward you until your torso is perpendicular. Step back until your body is straight again and your spine is extended, then roll the ball up your legs until your body forms a straight line with arms outstretched to the head but hands on the floor

لوح خشب

Get into pushup position, bending your elbows to lower your arms to the floor.

أفضل تمارين أساسها للحصول على ستة حزم - رفع إلى الركبة

Hanging from a bar with hands out of width, pull yourself up until your chin is above the crossbar and then raise your knees to your chest in the upper position.

أفضل تمارين أساسها الحصول على صاروخ Pushup

Get into a pushup position with your feet in props and do explosive reps until your hands are on the ground and you can clap in the air.

أفضل تمارين أساسها للحصول على ستة عبوات - مقاومة الانتكاس المعاكس

Lie on your back on the floor and wrap a resistance band around the arches of your feet. Cross the ends of the band over each other to make an “X” and grasp the ends with opposite hands. Bend your hips and knees so that your knees are close to your chest and then hit your torso on the floor. Extend your legs while raising your arms above the head

أفضل تمارين أب للحصول على حزمة ستة - طرح

Place your arms on the ball and extend your legs behind you Roll the ball forward as you extend your arms and hips. When you feel like you’re about to fall, get yourself back.

أفضل تمارين أساسها للحصول على ست رزم - تمدك الركبة بالطب الطبي

Sit on benches and press the ball between your feet. Extend your legs and lift them forward and extend your torso so that your body forms a straight line. Hold on to the benches for support. Push your torso forward and bring your knees to your chest.

أفضل تمارين أب للحصول على ستة حزمة - لوح جانبي

Lie on your left side and rest your left arm on the floor for support. Lift your hips up so that your body forms a straight line and prepare for abs – your weight should be on your left arm and on the edge of your foot

أفضل تمارين أب للحصول على ستة حزمة - العداء

Put your feet in the suspended trainer’s foot cradles and get into a pushup position with your hands on the floor. Bring one knee to your chest while the other leg remains outstretched. Now lead the opposite leg to your chest while extending the other back

أفضل تمارين أب للحصول على حزمة ستة - Situp ورمي

Hold a ball with both hands in front of your chest and sit on the floor. Clamp your feet under something sturdy for support, and lie on the ground a few feet away from a brick or concrete wall. Sit up explosively and throw the ball into the wall, then catch it with a bounce. If you have a partner, you can throw the ball to him/her instead.

أفضل تمارين أساسها للحصول على ستة حزمة - لوح نجوم

Get into a pushup position. Move your arms and feet apart as wide as possible – your body will make a star shape.

أفضل تمارين أب للحصول على ستة حزمة - مستقيم الساق sitell الحديد

Lie on the floor and hold the bar easily against your chest as in the picture. Your legs should be extended on the floor in front of you. Perform, raise the torso until it is vertical. Keep the bar above your head, so it drifts back into the upper push-up position at the top of the

أفضل تمارين أساسها للحصول على ستة حزم - حقيبة سفر نهائية

Load the bar on the floor and stand to its left with feet hip-width apart. Bend your hips back and lower your body until you can grasp the barbell in the middle with your right hand. Push through your heels to stand and lock your hips. Press the bar firmly to prevent it from swinging. Focus on keeping your spine completely straight—don’t bend horizontally toward the bar.

أفضل التدريبات من أجل الحصول على ستة حزم - دائرة لوح الكرة السويسرية

Put a ball on the floor with your hands on it. Now lower your arms to rest on the ball, keeping your entire body in a straight line. Use your elbows to roll the ball in a circular motion, clockwise and then counterclockwise, as if you were moving a saucepan.

أفضل تمارين أساسها للحصول على ستة حزم - الكرة السويسرية v-up وتمرير أفضل تمارين أساسها الحصول على ستة حزمة - الكرة السويسرية v-up وتمرير

Lie on your back on the floor and hold the ball between your ankles. Extend your arms behind your head. Sit while simultaneously raising both of your legs and pass the ball from your legs to your hands. Return to the floor and repeat, passing the ball from your hands to your legs. Each pass is one rep.

أفضل تمارين أساسها للحصول على ستة حزمة - Medicine ball v-up

v Lie on your back on the floor holding a ball with both hands behind your head. Raise your legs simultaneously and reach your toes with the ball. Your body must form a .

أفضل تمارين أساسها للحصول على ست حزم - Situp المرجح

Lie on the floor holding a weight plate to your chest. Bend your knees 90 degrees with feet on the floor. Put your chin on your chest and sit down.

أفضل تمارين أب للحصول على ستة حزمة - نصف الركوع

Get into a lunge position with your left leg forward and up over your left shoulder pull it diagonally down across your body to the outside of the right thigh.

about the author

nutritionist Shaimaa Ali

is a-freelance journalist specializing in health and fitness as well as nutritionist certified from mansoura university on Egypt

for Medical information i recommended National Institutes of Health Most of My blog source by it

 Explore link https://www.nia.nih.gov

kindly check with a doctor in addition to using the app and before making medical decisions

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